CLPD are promoting 3 model motions for CLPs/ Branches to consider in September on: A Zero Covid Strategy, Extending the Government Furlough Scheme, Opposing a Damaging US Trade Deal
Resource Labour Party Rulebook 2020Download the Labour Party 2020 Rulebook here.
on 06.10.20 Article Laura Pidcock on the #GrassrootsVoice NEC Candidates on 19.09.20 Campaign Briefing Labour Women Leading, Sisters Still in the Struggle!Labour Women Leading was established in 2016 to support the Corbyn project and particularly socialist feminist Labour members and candidates. We have an elected committee and a nationwide supporters’ list (with active groups in the North West and West Midlands), and an agreed procedure for endorsing and supporting women candidates. We organise conference fringe meetings, […]
Resource Grassroots Voice Campaign ToolThe Grassroots Voice NEC Candidates have produced a helpful campaigning tool for party members to refer. It outlines their key aims and objectives if elected to the NEC. You can download their tool here.
on 31.08.20 Candidate Report NEC report June/July 2020A report from your CLP reps on Labour’s NEC.
on 26.06.20 Candidate Report NEC report May 2020NEC report May 2020 This is a collective report by Yasmine Dar on behalf of NEC CLP reps: Yasmine Dar, Huda Elmi, Rachel Garnham, Ann Henderson, Jon Lansman and Darren Williams. The first scheduled meeting of Labour’s National Executive Committee under Keir Starmer’s leadership took place on 19 May 2020. There have additionally been two […]
on 02.06.20 Candidate Report Equalities and Labour Party Organisation – UpdateAnn Henderson updates members on Equalities and Labour Party Organisation.
on 05.02.20 Candidate Report NEC Report January 2020NEC Report January 2020 2020 opened with a full NEC meeting on Monday 6th January, convened to set out the arrangements and timetable for the Leadership and Deputy Leadership elections. This was our first meeting since the General Election, and an opportunity to briefly consider the results, and to place on record our thanks for the […]