At the 1979 General Election, Thatcher had a poster ‘Labour isn’t working’ showing a huge dole queue (the ‘queue’ was made up of 20 members of Hendon Young Tories – the poster makers had to photograph them again and again to get a long queue!!) Under Thatcher there were, of course huge dole queues for real.
And since the 1980s, there has not been a significant increase in living standards.
* A recent Report from the Institute of Fiscal Studies (IFS) shows that workers born in the 1980s and on the median wage, earn no more than those born in the 1960s did at their age. And, when you factor in exorbitant house prices, they are far poorer.
* The IFS Report shows that self-employment is increasingly a byword for poverty pay.
* Recent figures show that British employees are now entering their third squeeze on real wages in just over a decade.