Support the Grassroots Candidates for the National Policy Forum!
This summer there are elections to the NEC, National Policy Forum (NPF) and National Constitutional Committee (NCC).
CLPs are entitled to nominate candidates in a number of these elections and the deadline for CLPs to submit their nominations is noon on Friday 17th June.
CLPs are encouraged to nominate the candidates below who are being supported by CLPD.
NPF (CLP Section)
(Candidates in each nation and English region)
Christopher Barbour
Anna Dyer
Katrina Faccenda
Mike Martin
Zoe Allan
Dawn McGuinness
Sam Pritchard
Sean Thompson
Dylan Lewis-Rowlands (Youth)
Russell Cartwright
Rachel Garnham
Juliet Miller
Shahid Nadeem
Shannon Jezzard (Youth)
East Midlands
Tom Unterrainer
Dave Levy
Cam Rose
Carol Turner
Adrian Weir
Paul Daly
Michelle Fox
Rochelle Charlton-Lain
Denise Robson
Andrew Hedges (Youth)
North West
Mike Garvey
Natasha Carlin
Nick Parnell
Lorraine Beavers
Max Czekalski (Youth)
South East
Carol Hayton
Dan Hermitage
Joyce Still
Charlie Wilson-Marklew
South West
Carol Wilcox
Holly Jarrett
Thomas Pearce
West Midlands
Dominic Smith-West
Teresa Beddis
Yorks & Humber
Carole Doherty
Rashida Islam
George McManus
Riaz Meer
Jack Ballingham (Youth)
The candidates statements can be found here.